Friday, August 19, 2011

Sarah Palin May Run for President Anyway

Take the chances of me eating crow over my prediction Sarah Palin will not run lightly. Her booster in this case is an Iowa organizer who has had to move a scheduled Palin event, one in which he believes she will announce her candidacy, to a bigger venue because of increased interest.

I already spelled out the case for why I do not think Palin will run for president at the first link above. I also noted that just because there are good reasons for her to sit out 2012 as a candidate, I suspect she she will ignore them. Lo and behold, it look like she is. My previous post spoke of her personal rationale for not running. Here are two more reasons with a broader perspective.

One, she is a better kingmaker than candidate. We do not really have anyone else who can promote true conservative candidates quite like Palin can. Certainly, some of her tea party favorites lost in 2010. I am not too thrilled she stood by John McCain’s reelection bid, either, but I can appreciate her sense of loyalty. She would not have such a high profile now if not for him. Still, I appreciate her successes.

What I do not appreciate is that her rival as kingmaker is Karl Rove. Turd Blossom is the key reason the Republican Party is in the bad state it is in. he is the one who advised bush 43 to spend like Democrats. He is the one who enabled RINOs. Anytime I heard some pundit claim during the 2008 campaign that Bush 43 destroyed the Republican brand, I always counted with, “No, dummy. It was karl Rove. Where have you been?”

If Palin runs, she is not likely to win the nomination, much less the presidency. A loss will destroy her credibility as a kingmaker. There is not anyone else like her waiting in the wings, either. We will be stuck with Rove. We cannot afford that.

Two, if Palin runs, she is still going to draw a lot of conservative support. Her addition to the candidate roster will mean too many conservatives dividing up the primary votes. If that happens, mitt Romney would be a shoo in to win the nomination. There is no candidate currently running who will split the RINO vote making it more difficult for Romney. More candidates only works to his advantage. I firmly believe a Romney presidency following a disastrous Barack Obama term in office would spell doom.

Unless Palin can somehow run away with the nomination and then capture the hearts of voters, there is no good reason for her to run for president.

UPDATE: For what it is worth, Dick Morris just tweeted he expects Palin to announce for president September 3 at the Iowa event in question. Morris is not the most reliable of prognosticators, but there you go.

UPDATE II: Yeah, she is running:UPDATE III: Speak of the devil, Karl Rove says Palin will run, too.

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